My sweet sweet boy graduated from Pre-K today! I'm so stinkin proud of him! On his end of the year test he got one of the highest grades and passed with flying colors. He's such a smartie! He got a good surprise today when Poppy came to graduation. His smile was so big! They sang 3 songs and then received their diplomas. To finish it off they sang one of the sweetest songs I've heard come out of my little boy. The kids in his class and he have been singing it for a month now. There hasn't been a time I've been in the room and not heard it. It was very fitting that they sang it today. How quickly the time will pass and one day I'll be sending him off to college rather than Kindergarten. The words struck my heart today and I realized what the song is actually about. Growth, time passing quickly, and ultimately letting your little one fly away. Here are the words they sang:
"1 - 2 - 3 like a bird I sing,
cause you've given me the most beautiful set of wings.
I'm so glad you're here today,
cause tomorrow I might have to go and fly away."
Thank you Tim McGraw for writing such a sweet song. Today my little one graduates pre-k, tomorrow high school, later college. One day he'll fly off and become his own person and do amazing things. One day. For today though I'm going to relish in my photos and journal every bit of this amazing day! My little man and his graduation cap made from tape, staples, construction paper, and lots-o-love. :) Here are some photos from today.
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