Monday, June 18, 2007

my daddy

Yesterday for Father's Day we went out to mom and dads for a BBQ. My dad is the worlds BEST BBQ-er hands down. He can make those burgers sing! It was so much fun. Mom and I hung out with the boys to keep them from bugging Poppy and Scott. I love talking to mom about whatever. Seems like we can fit any topic under the sun in in the few short hours we're there. So Poppy whipped up some of his famous burgers and hot dogs and we ate like kings. Even the boys, who normally don't like burgers, eat Poppy's burgers. And for dessert... you betcha! Strawberry Shortcake. MMMMMMMMMMMMM!! We had gotten Dad his favorite chocolate pie, and he got to have him an "MMMMMM" moment too. Then we spent the evening watching a few movies and chatting some more. All in all we had a very fun evening with my folks, and a had a wonderful Father's Day!

I love my daddy so much! Most of all I love his strength in faith. He knows without a doubt that God is real and in control. It still amazes me when he says, "God'll take care of it". He has gone through, and still goes through, some amazing trials in life. Many would have questioned God, I have. But Dad stands strong with God and knows that whatever comes his way, God'll handle it. I see Jesus on my father, and through him. The transformation has been a blessing to watch. My daddy has always been the rock of our family. The sound, strong, dependable daddy. Who will do for others whether he feels able or not. He's at church, ministering whether he's sick or not. Sometimes just a day after getting out of the hospital. I can only hope one day to be strong in faith like my daddy. So many times when I'm in the thick of something awful, I forget to realize that God will handle it, if I let Him. My dad stands strong as a testimony to others and to me. God will take you places you've never imagined, give you strength you never thought possible, and love you with a heart unlike any you've ever encountered, if only you will let Him.

Thank you daddy for the lessons you've taught me, and continue to teach me every day. You are the rock I know I can always come to. You are a man on fire for God. You are an example to my boys of God's favoring on a servant with whom He is well pleased. I am so proud of you for all you have accomplished. And I can only hope one day that my boys will grow up to be just like you. I love you with all my heart!