Sunday, November 16, 2008

small group

I love our small group. I normally do not blog about them, and this is no exception. Not blogging about group, just about how much I love our group. Every Sunday night I leave feeling so encouraged. I've never been a part of such amazing people. I know that each of them genuinely cares about my family, and I hope they know I feel the same about theirs. I deeply love my brothers and sisters in Christ. Being part of such an amazing group brings joy to my Sunday nights and is something I am forever grateful to God for. Two years ago I was alone. I was in the middle of a horrible situation that forced me to see, without any doubt, who my true friends were, and who they were not. Sadly, I came out bruised, beat up, and alone. (with the exception of one friend whom I cherish every day!) I felt so incredibly alone. I was depressed and severely hurt. Trust was blown. There was no way I was opening myself up to become close with anyone. If that was what "friendships" did to you, I wanted no part of it. I isolated myself and tried as much as I could to "play" friends but never really have to break the barrier. But praise God, He had a better plan. Through this group I've learned to open up more than I ever have. I still feel myself pulling away sometimes, but God is working it out for me. This group has helped me open my heart in a new way. Fully. We may not always agree, and we always have different opinions, but what makes this group so incredible is that we thrive on each others differences. By everyone having and sharing their own thoughts, we grow closer because we openly share with no repercussions. I feel safe and free here. Free to be who I am with no pretense. As dorky as I can be sometimes, this group still loves me. And safe knowing that everything I say in group, stays in group. I'm shaking my head right now because I've never had friendships like I do now. I feel so unworthy of such friends. In tonight's lesson one of the gentlemen said that when we call on God, He doesn't just do what we need, He goes above and beyond anything we could imagine. I desperately needed a true friend a year ago. God not only gave me a true friend, He gave me more true friends than I can count on both hands. These people have changed my life and I love them more dearly than words can express.

If you're reading this and are part of our group, you are more precious to me than anything I know. I am blessed for knowing you. Thank you for putting up with my dorky ways, and thank you for being there for me. Y'all are something this dorky gal can't live without!


*~Annette~* said...

Jen... in response to the homeschool question: I'm using the Alpha Omega LifePac for 2nd grade. I have had to stalk eBay and homeschool forums and more to find decent deals. For the most part, if you can find someone who has the teacher's manual, you can save about $10-$12 on new materials since you only need the workbooks. Technically, you have to teach 5 core subjects. It's up to YOU as to how you teach it. Tell you what... call me or email me. We can brainstorm together, if you want!