Sunday, October 28, 2007

special time of year

This is a special time of year for me. And despite my current situation (see previous post) God has been so good to me and given me so many things to praise Him over. One in particular I wanted to share with you. Each year our church does a program called Judgement House. If you want to know more about it click here. For the past 3 years I've been a guide. Taking groups from room to room, introducing each scene. And I have loved doing it! It's been amazing. But this year, something stirred in me to not sign up to be a guide. So I didn't sign up to work. Everyone kept asking me and I kept making excuses. Finally the Spirit inside me had had enough. He put His almight foot down and said, "young lady, you will help!". I didn't know where or how, they'd allready filled most of the spaces. Then in class Sunday morning our leader said he needed one LADY (yeah, God is cute that way!) to help in the closing room. To help counsel any women that might want to stay behind and talk. Sigh. Got me. But I've always thought the closing room was boring, not really for me. I'm too high-strung to be in there. It's serious time. Quiet, elevator music flows while a nice, calm, person talks about and delivers the gospel message one final time. Stick me in there and I'd stick out like a sore thumb with my loud mouth, bubbly personality, and constant need to chat. :) But stick me in there God did. To be honest I think I scared them. They didn't really know what to do with my chatting and giggling style. But I kept them laughing ya'll. And in a good way. They had fun with me. And to God's glory, I got to stand in that room group after group and watch as 17 people turned their lives over to Christ and were saved. It is the best feeling in the world to see those hands go up. To sit quietly and pray that each and every one of them be touched in someway by the hand of God, and then witness their hands come up, almost reaching out for salvation.... it gives me chill bumps. I can't even describe the joy my heart was filled with by the end of the night. Yes I was tired. Yes I had to haul sleeping boys to the van. Yes it had been a long night. But none of that matters. Even if it had only been one hand raised the entire night, folks, it would have been SO worth all that other junk. But to get to witness as God lovingly placed His Spirit into 17 new creations.... I just can't explain it. It was the most awesome thing.