Wednesday, October 3, 2007

what's doin?

I'm going to try to start a new "column" on my blog. It's called "What's Doin Wednesday's". Please feel free to post anything that God is doing in your life. I think it's very important for us to seek Him out each day. To find that hidden treasure He has for us in each little set of 24 hours. It's there. We may have to dig, but when we find it, it's worth it! So what's He doing in your life today?

For me, today God has given me peace over a broken relationship. Yesterday I experienced the most awesome gift of forgiveness and healing. Second only to the reconcilliation of my sister and I. It was a relationship that I definatly had an equal hand in souring. Sometimes WAY more than my share of damaging. The friendship went caput in a hurry due to gossip and grudges, of which I definatly carried my share. Over one tiny incident, and the gossip gates opening wide, I let my opinion of this woman get tainted which opened the flood gates for satan to come in and have a field day at the expense of a new and fun friendship. And so spanned years of resentment, gossip, false reconciliation, hurt, tears, pain, and heartache. The bulk of which I'm ashamed to say I caused. To her and to myself. What God is giving me today is a realization of how far He has brought me from that place. To say I was a new Christian back then is an excuse, but the truth. I didn't know how to handle that situation and so let others tell me what to do rather than go to the One that I should have. But now everything is different. I can look back with maturity and humility and say, I did do my fair share of causing things to escalate and stay that way. But I can also look back and say a big THANK YOU to my creator for getting me to a much more healthy and mature spot. Where now I can reach out to her, humbly apologize (we're talking tail between the legs apologizing here girls), and ask forgiveness. Which came, to the glory of God. I think we made some angels dance ya'll! Or hopefully at least made God smile. And so today I claim peace over that relationship. And I'm praying that God lets a new one blossom there. One not clouded by the past, but bright and sunny with a newness that only God can bring.

Okay, so let's here it! What's God doing in your life today?


Shonda said...

Praise the Lord for His peace in your life!

I believe the Lord is setting me free from self-condemnation. I can be so critical of myself that it turns into condemnation. In a BM video segment yesterday, she brought out the scripture from 1 John 3:19-20 and discussed how our feelings can condemn us, which is a lie from the enemy. God is greater than my heart (feelings). This is a process. Please pray I'll go through the process and come out clean.

Blessings in Christ--

Anonymous said...

God is giving me a newfound hunger for him.

judy works said...

God is giving me more JOY!!! I sometimes feel sad inside - also God gives me peace and His perfect will in my life! How great is that?!!! I pray for you today Jen - what a blessing you and your family are to me. I pray God's soothing balm to old wounds - He will do it. He is SO good!!!! Love ya.