Thursday, December 11, 2008

in love with UPS right now

Okay, let me just preface this by asking that anyone reading this who will come into contact with my children between now and Christmas please not breathe a WORD of this to them. Okay? Okay.

So, if you don't watch The Bonnie Hunt Show, you must. It's cute, it's funny, it's not "racey" like some of the other talk shows. It's just a good show. This week she's doing something called "Give & Get". It's where you Give $10 to Cancer Research through an e-bay charity auction, and in return you Get something really cool. All of the products retail for WELL over the $10 and there is also no shipping charge on the item. We won the first days item but have not been able to win anything since. The items are so phenominal each day they are selling out in 8 seconds flat. No joke. So what was the awesome first day product??? Oh my stars I'm so excited to even be posting this! Monday's item was Fisher Price's Elmo Live! Elmo Live, friends!!! It retails for $60 or more and all our stores have been sold out of them. But for our $10 donation, Fisher Price's amazing freebie, and my quick typing skills, we purchased one for $10 flat and it is now hiding in my room awaiting it's opening on Christmas morning. Of course, I couldn't put him away without testing him. Oh my stars y'all. He is SO stinkin cute! He moves just like the real Elmo. He is just darling. Daniel has almost every Elmo made. He's a major Elmo fan. I mean we're talking, if kids could stalk Elmo, he would. I can not WAIT to see his face when he opens this little guy. Oh the joy! And even better is that the money we sent in will go to research cancer and better ways to combat it. How cool is that? That money will hopefully go to bless someone and in turn it also blessed our boy. God is awesome! Totally awesome.